Friday, July 20, 2012

Let's Get It! Let's Go!

A/N: This is listed randomly only because I'm not sure where I want to go to first and which places I want to visit the most.

Just a little list of places I want to visit ASAP!
Italy, to be more specific, Rome and Florence.
Paris, France.
Scotland and England or to put it simply, Europe!

Ever since I was little I have always wanted a Euro trip! (Hey Pen if you're reading this! We used to talk about it a lot! I'm not sure if you remember though...)
I mean, who wouldn't?! Its one of the most beautiful places in the world, culturally and architecturally and all the other possible '-lly' words that I can't think of to explain just how majestic the place seems to be to me. Just the idea is breath taking!

I want to visit the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France and go to the top both in the morning, so I could get a good look at the city and the evening, to look at all the pretty lights and to look back down at the ant sized people going through their daily routine.

Another place I'd love to visit is Stirling Castle in Scotland. The whole Victorian era (although I'm not sure what era Stirling Castle is from) still continues to fascinate me, especially their life of luxury.  The large Castles with dozens and dozens of rooms and their love for fashion makes me want to time travel just to experience what it was like to live in a time I almost wish I was born in.

Japan! Japan! And other Asian countries!
I don't even know where to begin when it comes to places in Asia  that I wanna visit! There just seems to be more and more places that is being added onto my list.

Although this isn't really a place in Japan, I want to see Cherry Blossoms!
Nuff said! :D They are just too pretty!

I want to experience crossing at Shibuya and the night life at Shinjuku.
Neon lights at Shinjuku

Cross road at Shibuya

And after all that I would love to go shopping at Harajuku! The list could go on for ever and I didn't even start on the extreme sports I want to try! I guess I could just update this post again! Where do you want to go? Tell me at the comments below! (That rhymed!)

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